Thursday, May 8, 2008

Di Sebalik Nikmat Berugama

Jika kamu mahu mengenang cerita dan derita, izinkan aku titipkan beberapa lembaran kisah mereka yang telah menderita kerana ugama, berkorban dalam mencari nikmat berugama…!

Pada suatu waktu di saat zaman dan kurun yang terbaik, terdapat cerita seorang sahabat Nabi SAW yang baru kematian isterinya sedang beliau masih mempunyai seorang anak lelaki berusia 5 tahun, namun sahabat ini telah datang berjumpa Nabi SAW untuk menyertai jihad menegakkan ugama Allah...

Nabi SAW menasihatinya supaya duduk di rumah bersama anaknya yang masih kecil itu..tapi dia mendesak juga untuk menyertai, barangkali beliau telah tercium bau syurga. Dan Nabi Muhammad SAW telah benarkan beliau pergi..

Si anak yang di bernama Basyir ini pun bukan calang calang budak. Walaupun baru berusia 5 tahun telah sanggup berpisah dan di pisahkan demi semata mata kerana agama Allah.

Malahan si anak-anak para sahabat Baginda ini akan saling berbangga terhadap ayah dan bapa mereka yang telah turut sama menyertai peperangan bersama Baginda SAW.

MashaAllah, Allah jua yang mencampak kefahaman dalam diri mereka tentang nilai ugama..

Setelah beberapa masa berlalu, terdengarlah khabar berita akan kepulangan tentera islam dari luar kota Madinah,nun di sana kelihatan segerombolan habuk dan debu yang berterbangan menjulang ke langit kesan hentakan tapak kaki kuda dan unta milik tentera islam.

Di sempadan Madinah, sebaik kuda dan unta menghentikan tapak kakinya, dan dalam suasana debu debuan yang masih berterbangan, si anak-anak sahabat sudah tidak sabar menunggu untuk bertemu dengan bapa-bapa mereka. Dalam larian kasih sayang, Basyir bin Abarkah telah mendahului kesemua perindu yang lain, walaupun usianya baru 5 tahun, tapi beliaulah yang paling maju, katanya: ingin menyergah ayahnya..maklumlah, mereka baru belajar erti rindu.

Debu debu pun mulai turun ke bumi. Sedikit demi sedikit terpancullah wajah kuda dan wajah unta yang setia.

Dan debu debu pun masih terus turun ke bumi. Sedikit demi sedikit terlihatlah wajah bapa bapa mereka. Maka si anak mula menerkam si bapa, dan bapa mulai menerpa si anak, mereka saling berpelukan menangis gembira melepaskan rindu dendam seolah olah seperti baru terlepas dari hukuman mati. Bapa mana yang tidak rindu pada anak? Anak mana yang tidak gembira bertemu bapa? Lantas terdengar suara takbir di sini sana, memuji Allah sambil menangis kesyukuran..

Memuji nikmat Allah..

Tidak lama kemudian.. sempadan Madinah itu telah menjadi daerah sepi dan sunyi, yang tinggal hanyalah kesan tapak kaki manusia dan binatang tunggangan. Namun yang terlihat pada waktu dan ketika itu, Basyir budak berumur 5 tahun seorang diri sedang melilau mencari ayahnya. Sudah puas ke kiri dan ke kanan… sudah jauh mata memandang, sudah penat menunggu, namun si ayah yang di rindu, tidak datang-datang!. Tidak kunjung tiba!

Ke mana ayah pergi?

Kenapa masih belum pulang?

Dalam debu debu yang masih tinggal, terlihat satu kelibat lelaki sedang berjalan ke arah Basyir Abarkah budak berumur 5 tahun itu,

Lalu si Basyir menerpa lelaki itu kerana disangkanya bapanya sudah pulang. Namun lelaki itu bukanlah bapanya, sebaliknya lelaki itu adalah Nabi Muhammad SAW .

Lantas Basyir bertanya:

Mana ayah ku?.

Lalu Nabi memalingkan wajahnya ke kanan kerana tidak sanggup untuk berkata kata.

Si Basyir lantas bergerak kekanan Baginda dan terus bertanya:

“Mana ayah ku?”.

Sekali lagi Nabi memalingkan wajahnya ke kiri lantaran tidak sanggup untuk menuturkan kata kata sedang air mata mulai berlinangan di pipi. Si Basyir tidak berputus asa dan terus bergerak ke kiri Baginda.

”Mana ayah ku?”.

Lalu Nabi duduk sama tinggi dan menjawab dengan nada sedih dan pilu sedang tangan baginda di pipi Basyir....

“Anak..ayah mu telah syahid.”

Air mata anak terus mengalir hangat, di kala darah yang mengalir dari badan ayahnya sudah lama lenyap di telan bumi....

sebenarnya di sebalik semua nikmat berugama ini, tidak terhitung banyaknya telah mengalir akan air mata dan darah para kekasih Allah… Sesungguhnya mereka telah mewarnai bumi Mekkah dan Madinah dengan darah..

Sekurang-kurangnya, kenanglah pada Basyir budak berumur 5 tahun itu..

Jika kita masih terlupa, biarlah aku ceritakan kisah Mus’ab bin Umair, yang hidup dalam kesempitan telah berjalan melewati Baginda SAW sedang beliau hanya memakai sehelai kain yang telah koyak di beberapa bahagian. Salah satu bahagian yang terkoyak telah di tampal dengan kulit binatang kerana tidak cukup kain, lalu sambil menangis Rasululullah bercerita kisah Mus’ab bin Umair kepada sahabat yang lain, bahawa sebelum islam, Mus’ab bin Umair adalah anak orang kaya dan hidup dalam kemewahan, di sayangi dan di manjai, hidup ditatang bagai minyak yang penuh, pakaiannya sahaja berharga 200 dirham dan hidup dengan penuh perhatian dari ibu bapa. Tapi sebaik beliau memeluk ugama islam, beliau telah di murkai oleh ibu bapa, di ikat dan di kurung, satu hari beliau dapat melepaskan diri dan lari mengikut sahabat Nabi lalu hidup dalam keadaan zuhud dan miskin.

Di hujung pengorbanan, dalam perperangan Uhud, mayatnya di lihat terbujur tanpa ke dua-dua tangan, di potong musuh selangsung tugasnya yang memegang bendera.., dan baginda SAW telah menutup mayatnya dengan kain tapi tidak cukup lalu di tutup dengan daun-daun Izkhar..

Mungkin kita terlupa pada Summayah r.aha yang di tombak di kemaluan kerana agama ini, atau keluarga Yassir yang mati di seksa, atau Nabi zakaria a.s yang di gergaji dan juga Nabi Yahya a,s yang di pancung, semuanya kerana agama!

Nampaknya, demi agama, Allah sanggup melihat kekasihNya terkorban dan di korbankan....

Kita juga telah terlupa pada Bilal bin Rabah yang hidup di seksa, di jemur di padang pasir sedang di dadanya di pasak dengan batu sebesar raksasa, saban malam di cemeti bergilir-gilir pula...dan kisah Khabbab bin Alarat r.a telah di seksa kerana ugama ini, beliau di seret atas bara api sehingga lemak dan darahnya telah memadamkan bara api.. semuanya kerana ugama.... berkorban dalam mencari nikmat beragama…!

Dan ada juga cerita lain, Khansa’ r.anha iaitu kepada 3 anak lelaki yang di beritahu tentang kematian suami di medan perang, tentang kematian anak sulung, tentang kematian anak nombor dua dan seterusnya anaknya yang bongsu. bila terdengar semua ahli keluarganya mati di jalan Allah dia masih bertenang, tapi bila mendapat tahu anaknya yang bongsu juga mati , si ibu ini terpegun dan menangis…dia dipujuk orang, supaya bersabar dengan ujian Allah..

Tapi si ibu berkata: “janganlah kamu semua ucap takziah pada aku, tapi ucapkanlah tahniah kepada aku, aku menangis bukan kerana semua ahli keluarga ku telah mati, tapi aku menangis kerana aku sudah tiada anak lelaki lagi untuk di korbankan di jalan Allah.!!!!”

Seorang sahabat (rujuk kisah ashabul ukhdud dalam surah al burooj) ketika hendak di campak ke dalam api oleh seorang kafir telah menangis sambil berkata: “aku menangis bukan kerana takut mati, aku menangis kerana aku hanya ada satu nyawa sahaja, seandainya aku mempunyai nyawa sebanyak bulu roma di badanku…maka, satu demi satu akan ku korbankan untuk ugama!!!

di sebalik semua nikmat berugama ini, sesungguhnya, tidak terhitung banyaknya telah mengalir akan air mata dan darah para kekasih Allah…

Mungkin kita terlupa pada awal kerja Nabi di jalankan, ketika Nabi Muhamad SAW keluar dari rumah dengan baju yang bersih, tapi bila petang nanti pulang, baju Nabi sudah kotor, di jalanan beliau di pukul orang, di sepak terajang dan di baling batu serta najis..,

Dari celah daun pintu Fatimah r.aha anak Nabi mentintai perlakuan ayahandanya yang tercinta, lalu bergenanglah air matanya melihat penderitaan ayahnya, namun sebaik Nabi pulang, lekas-lekas beluau menyampu air mata dan menyambut Baginda dengan senyuman, menyembunyikan kesedihan demi memberi sokongan moral dan sedikit hiburan kepada jiwa luhur bapanya yang teramat tabah itu..

Namun hati anak mana yang tahan melihat ayanya di seksa? Lantas suatu hari beliau telah mengikut di belakang Nabi, melihat perlakuan ayahnya secara langsung, di jalanan beliau melihat ayahnya berdakwah dan di hina, di layan seperti pengemis dan binatang, di sakiti, di caci, di maki, di pukul, dan di baling batu...

Kemuncak penghinaan, ketika Nabi bersolat di hadapan Kaabah, Abu Jahal dan sekutunya telah membuang najis dan perut unta ke belakang badan baginda yang sedang sujud.., dengan linangan air mata Fatimah r.aha datang membersihkan najis di badan ayahnya..

Di suatu hari yang lain, Fatimah r.a telah menyambut kepulangan Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan linangan air mata., Lalu Baginda bertanya: kenapa menangis?

Dengan air mata yang bergenang, melihat penderitaan ayahnya, Fatimah r.aha berkata:

“Aku menangis kerana ku lihat telah bertukar warna kulitmu dan kotor pakaianmu.., ”

Nabi menjawab (lebih kurang maksud)

"Janganlah kamu menangis wahai Fatimah, satu hari nanti, ugama yang aku bawa ini, akan pergi menuju ke setiap rumah walaupun rumah itu berada di desa atau di Bandar, dan Allah akan masukkan kemuliaan atau kehinaan ke dalam rumah seperti tersebarnya malam…”

Hari ini, semakin jauhnya kita daripada pelita kenabian, semakin jauhnya kita daripada agama. Sebanyak manapun penderitaan kita ianya masih lagi tidak dapat menyamai mereka pada khairul kurun dahulu. Kita hari ini bila ditimpa sikit ujian dah mengeluh spt orang tak tahu arah.. (oh..! terkena atas batang hidung sendiri...)

Sesungguhnya ibadat yg kita lakukan selama ini kalau dibandingkan dengan hanya debu yang melekat pada tapak kaki kuda yang ditunggangi sahabat r.a dahulu, nescaya debu itu lebih mulia.

Maka kita semua pada hari ini, dalam kedamaian pagi dan ketenangan petang atau kesejahteraan malam, sedang kita menikmati nikmat berugama, mungkin di suatu hari akan datang "pewaris kerja Nabi" mengetuk pintu rumahmu, tidak kira di mana kamu berada, di desa atau di bandar, dan Allah akan masukkan kemuliaan atau kehinaan ke dalam rumahmu seperti tersebarnya malam… dan bukakanlah pintu hatimu..kerana mereka sedang menzahirkan hadith Nabi Muhamad SAW.

Ziarah mereka bukan kerana hari raya, atau kerana menuntut hutang, tapi semata mata kerana Allah, mudah-mudahan kamu dan mereka akan dapat menikmati ruang di bawah arasy berkat amalan ini, dan semoga Allah kasihan pada kamu dan mereka lantaran amalan yang mulia ini lalu mengekalkan kita semua dalam iman, dan menyebarkan hidayat ke seluruh alam, sehingga akhirnya kesemua lelaki akhil baligh dapat minikmati solat berjemaah, dan keseuma wanita akhil baligh dapat menikmati solat di awal waktu serta tutup aurat dengan sempurna, kemudian, anak-anak akan taat perintah ibu bapa, dan isteri-isteri akan taat perintah suami dan semua mahkluk akan taat perintah Allah lalu menyembah Allah dengan cara yang paling layak selayak-layaknya Dia di sembah!...

Just A Thought

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهْ

the ending of suratul baqarah is so powerful; the three simple phrases put together in a perfect sequence.

وَاعْفُ عَنَّا
We ask Allah to erase our sins. Allah commands the angel on our left to desist from writing down our bad deed immediately, giving us an opportunity to repent to Him. But...if this particular time period (mentioned in the hadith) is up,

وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا
We ask Allah to shield us from our sins. This can be done with the help of our good deeds. But..if we don't have enough good deeds,


We ask Allah to have mercy on us. We must never lose hope in the merciful nature of our creator, Arhamur-raheemin.

It does not mean they were not permitted to make a mistake but that they will not be left in that wrong. For us nothing guarantees that we will be corrected or easy repentence afterwards. If there were no sins, Al-Rahman Al-Raheem would have no meaning.(this one my murabbi told me once ;))

if you remember about the hadeeth when Aishah RA asked the Prophet SAW to pray for her and so he prayed for her. Aishah RA was very happy that the Prophet SAW prayed for her and the Prophet SAW told her that he prayed that her sins would be forgiven whether they were committed in the past, the sins to be committed in the future, the sins she committed knowingly, sins she committed unknowingly, sins she committed in public and the sins she committed in private. The Prophet SAW further stated that Wallahi this is the du'aa I make not only for you but for all of the ummah and the generations that are yet to come.

I know my wording isn't that great, but this was one of the most beautiful gems from my conversation between me and my other half (during his birthday) within this week...:)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a Muslim's Birthday

One's Muslim birthday is, of course, the date upon which one was born. Far from considering it incidental, Islamic tradition regards one's Muslim birthday to be fraught with meaning and relevance and, a day to commemorate a life lived in service and submission to Allah SWT!

The Quran says:
"Our Lord is He Who gave to each created thing its form and nature, and further, gave it guidance." [20:50]

Birthdays are a time to celebrate with joy the creative ability of Al-Khaaliq and the guidance He has blessed us with in our life.

The Muslim birthday is the perfect day for reflection about our lives as believers and is an auspicious time to make new resolutions to perform good deeds and to deepen our commitment to the Quran and sunnah and the role they play in our lives.

On one's Muslim birthday it is customary to get together with family and friends to celebrate Islamically. At the celebration one should say a du'aa of thanks to Allah SWT, perhaps give money as sadaqah, and recite some of the Quran...etc ;)
"And ye certainly know already the first form of creation: why then do ye not celebrate His praises?" [56:62]
ps : Sannah helwah my beloved Bashir, ;)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Matched in the Heavens

When I had nothing I had you.
I saw it written that if you give your life then eternity will be ours.
You put your trust in our Rabb and in turn you followed me.
Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets, my honour and my Deen were safe with you.

When the enemy barked you never flinched.
You were strong and in turn made me strong.
We both know what hardships you faced just to be with me but not a word did you speak.

Like a vanguard for this Ummah you concealed yourself.
Where others would rush to please their desires you were the essences of Taqwa.
Life was easy with you and it came so naturally.
You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words as who knew me better then you....
It's the little things that make the person and you would have easily have kept me going for a lifetime.

I loved that the Haq was dearer to you than my life and those of our properties
You will never find a diamond in the hands of the poor
in the same way our diamond deserves to be carried in your hands.
We could have it all my love but who sells Paradise for an hour of passing pleasure?
Not us.

I chose you where i can find the loyalties of my future kids are.
They will love what we love
They will love Allah Most Glorified Most High,
They will love the Prophets and the best of Companions,
They will love those who they have never met but will long to meet.
They will love those better then us.
They will live to honour one statement.
Others will fall under the weight of La illiha illiha but not them.
Their hearts will beat it, their words testify to it and their hands carry it..inshaAllah

None was worthy to stand next to me in this life so why is it I should desire another in the next? ;)

The Yearning

I'm a day dreamer. I like to immerse in my thoughts and forget what's around me. I become almost oblivious of my surroundings, my environment and the reality I live in. It's what I call my pipe dream (although no drugs are involved obviously, heh!).

I tend to think about different issues, different happenings, in fact life in general in very idealistic terms. I mean whatever theories I conjure and come up with, more often than not, would not hold practically.

In fact, I try to totally isolate myself from reality as much as possible - I guess that's just part of me being a “seeker of solitude”. That is the immediate reality around me; not necessarily what's happening to the human race in general...

...all the strife, the hunger, the conflicts, the death … are literally eating me from inside-injustice, injustice, injustice- where ever I look.

"وما لكم لا تقاتلون في سبيل الله والمستضعفين من الرجال والنساء والولدان الذين يقولون ربنا اخرجنا من هذه القرية الظالم اهلها واجعل لنا من لدنك وليا واجعل لنا من لدنك نصيرا"

"...Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!"

(surah an-nisaa, ayah 75)

Obviously, I personally am unable to do anything about hunger, strife, and innocent people drifting in the middle of the conflict- being killed and plundered mercilessly from both sides. It takes collective effort (although we have avenues such as UN and some more - but they can only do so much); my only recourse is du’aas (supplication).

...Every child I see on the streets, every elderly person I see struggling to live - left helpless by the very hands that they held and raised, neglected by the society...every face of despair I see - I can see a story of life, a life so unfortunate and suffocating...that it is unimaginable...SubhanAllah...

But, Allah Ta’ala does not burden a soul beyond it's capacity, "laa yukalif Allahu nafsan illa wus’aha..." And, as it is well known, the more the hardship, the greater the reward – it is some kind of “special request” from Allah for us to elevate our status of eiman

For sure, InshaAllah Jannah is awaiting the oppressed, the dejected, the rejected - those who were forgotten – even though we see them every single day on our way to work, school...just another "bitter" reality, it is.

When I look at what's "really" happening in the world, outside the microcosmic shell of supposed reality; it is quite unbearable...

...So, the only recourse I can find is, in my own world of dreams, surreal thoughts, colors, ecstatic moments...

...There's one single theme that is common to all of my "pipe dreams", as I like to call my thoughts, and this is yearning for a better place, a better life, a better reality! It is by all means a thirst for Utopia. (normally this “pipe dreams session” take place before I go to sleep every night !)

And I do not find it strange at all. I believe it is only natural for human beings to hope for where they originally came from, and if they work for it, shall ultimately achieve. Back to what they used to be…

"وقلنا يا ادم اسكن انت وزوجك الجنة وكلا منها رغدا حيث شئتما ... "

"...And We said: "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight of things therein as wherever you will,..."

(surah al-baqarah, ayah 35)

Jannah, the ultimate Felicity!

In Gardens of Felicity ..

(surah as-saafaat, ayah 43)

And the Pinnacle of this Ultimate Reality is experiencing the Wajh of our Rabb!

"وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ نَّاضِرَةٌ * إِلَى رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَةٌ "

“Some faces that Day shall be Nadirah (shining and radiant); Looking at their Lord (Allah);

(surah al-qiyamah, ayaat 22-23)

This statement also keep lingering in my mind for these past few weeks :

“When the angel of death came to Ibrahim AS, and said, “I’ve been ordered to take your soul.” Ibrahim AS responded and said, “Can you say to Allah ‘how can The Khalil take the soul of His khalil?’” Then Allah SWT ordered to the angel of death, “Tell Ibrahim: ‘how can the friend not want to meet his Friend?’”
[Imam Suhaib Webb - Qiyam: Reflections on the Afterlife]

That is the Revelation- the one who experiences would forget everything, even his own existence...every single injustice ever done to him, every single hardship paled, forgotten forever....this is truly what we Seek. This is the recompense awaiting the patient and truthfull ones.

“O Allah, grant us our original abode and the ziyarah of Thy Wajh, O Allah, and O Allah make our house in Jannah the most, most, mosttt Close to You..;)”

“Let me disclose to you the sign of a true Moomin; he is the one when death approaches, smile spreads on his lips” Muhammad Iqbal.

(just our 1cent thought…)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Last Breath…


When the angel of death came to Ibrahim AS, and said, “I’ve been ordered to take your soul.” Ibrahim AS responded and said, “Can you say to Allah ‘how can The Khalil take the soul of His khalil?’” Then Allah SWT ordered to the angel of death, “Tell Ibrahim:
‘how can the friend not want to meet his Friend?’”
[Imam Suhaib Webb - Qiyam: Reflections on the Afterlife]

I felt the serenity
Of sincere submission

As Maghrib Solaah dawned
And I bowed peacefully
In prostration…

Tears rolled down my face

Du’aas poured

From the depth of my soul
As I prayed upon him
Allah’s Forgiveness
Didnt expect that day and moment
Could be his last…

And my heart began to weep
As with each second
I can barely felt his draw closer

To his last breath...

I rose to pray Tasyahhud
And felt the overwhelming outcry

As hearts began to sink

For a moment
The world had frozen…

I gently turned my head

Praying Salaam upon the angels
On my either side
I heard a whisper…
‘Come now, say Allahafiz…’

And my heart sank

To a depth
I could never imagine

Yet peace

Embraced my soul

As I witnessed the peace on his face

In which he lay…

I cried

As I leaned forward
And kissed him on his forehead

I wept

As I held his cold hand
And wished I could see him smile

Just one more time
I prayed ...

As I stood straight

And hoped ‘La Ilaaha Ill Allah…’
Were his last words…

And once again,

My mind was at ease
Peace embraced my heart

And I whispered…
‘Inna lillahi…
Wa inna ilayhi Raaji’un’…

For sure,
When from Him we come

Indeed to Him
We must return…
And I smiled

As I remember his most sweet words

Before he went off to work that day

‘Worry not,my dear..we’ll meet again…SOON..inshaAllah..’

Feeling assured

My heart testified

‘I await that moment Baba…

When one more time

I find myself in your embrace,
In the everlasting abode of Paradise…’

And with a heart crying

With every moment of his remembrance
And each tear
Having a memory to narrate
And a story to tell…

To Allah’s Most Merciful Graceful Embrace...

I bid my father farewell…

In loving memory of…
Al-Marhoom Hamdan ibn Salleh
(our beloved Baba..)

19th November 1955 - 6th May 2002